Italian Networking Partner

PIC Number
Why not try Santa Sofia
Have you ever thought of carrying out a work experience placement in Italy? If you haven’t, well, it’s high time you seriously reflected how it would improve your career options. Don’t worry if you’re a student as the work experience element is definitely something worth doing even for such a short period, when it’s over, you’ll go back to your studies with the great life changing experience. And if you’re already planning an internship but you haven’t made up your mind yet where to have your work experience, there’s no question, the perfect destination is Sportilia, Santa Sofia, Italy
Our facilities are excellent and the group or individual accommodation is located within a complex near to Santa Sofia called Sportilia. There is also accommodation with several of our partners within the surrounding area. In addition we also have accommodation in Forli. Tourism has developed in recent years and this area has become the perfect location for many new companies and businesses. Sportilia and its management processes have been able to secure a wide range of work placements in different sectors and their knowledge of the area and links with local employers allows the participants to enjoy a bespoke training and educational experience.
Sportilia are able to secure a wide range of work placements in different sectors and their knowledge of the area and links with local employers allows participants to enjoy their training and educational experience. Sportilia have established many sporting training camps over the last ten years and have an excellent relationships sporting institutions and clubs within the local, regional and national area. Uniser is a partner who also works with Sportilia, who have various locations in Forli, extending the opportunity of finding a placement that suits your needs
What we can offer
What we can offer to the learner or Sending organisation
- Work Placement
- Work Placement Health and Safety check
- Part-time / Full-time work placement options
- Starting every day of the week
- Duration 1 – 12 Weeks
- Work Experience Certification
- Reference Letter
- Language training
- City orienteering workshops
- Cultural visits
- Accommodation (Bed only, Bed and Breakfast, Bed, Breakfast and evening meal or Full-board)
- Airport (to and From) and Internal Transfers
Programme Structures
Work Experience in Santa Sofia, Sportilia, Italy
This programme is available in two different options: part-time and full-time. The programme is very flexible and it starts and week day.
Timetable of part-time traineeship: from Monday to Friday from 9:00am until 1pm (AM option) or from 2pm until 5pm (PM option)
Timetable of full-time traineeship: from Monday to Friday from 9:00am until 1pm and from 2pm until 5pm (one hour for lunch break)
The learner programme can last a minimum of 2 weeks up to a maximum of 12 weeks, from Monday to Friday. It can be part of an Italian Course in Italy, so if you are studying the language in the morning, you may be interested in a part-time work experience in the afternoon, enabling you to practice the language in a real working environment.

Sportilia Training Grounds
A rewarding days Work Experience.

What we require from you
- A current CV in English (Europass Format Accepted)
- A copy of your ID Card or Passport
- A completed booking form
Vocational Placement areas
- Administration
- Web design and development
- Event Management
- Hair and beauty therapy
- Care
- Hospitality
- Sports Coaching
- Dental Nursing
- Information Technology
- Sports Development (Football, Rugby, Basket Ball and Volley Ball)